Wednesday, July 23, 2008

happy birthday jackson!

yesterday jackson turned 4 - well, 28 - weird, we are the same age already!

we celebrated with an Oreo dessert because we have always thought jackson looks like cookies n cream. i will add the real picture soon. and yes, we gave him a candle and sang to him. we are pathetic, i know. can't help it that we love our dog a little too much, and treat him like he's a human. :)


Michal said...

is this the best you could come up with in 20 days time? we want pictures of jacob, not jackson!!

wabisabigirl said...

That's cute:) Not crazy at all considering I'm considering throwing a birthday party for a stuffed duck! (London's much loved, Gabriella:)

Dale & Linda said...

Cyd, I agree with Michal- JACOB pictures PLEASE! 20 days is still way too long, even if I am in Belize.

Happy Birthday, Jackson!

Karen Pié said...

Happy Birthday, Jackson--you're such a handsome dog!

I agree with Michal and Linda--more of Jacob, and of course, you two, too.

Michal said...

i am also trying to figure out exactly what kind of oreo dessert that is.