Saturday, September 6, 2008

what's in a name?

so jesse and i have been back and forth on a name for the baby. well, i should say JESSE has been back and forth. i've been pretty settled for several months now. after many suggestions from family, and after pouring through several baby name books that we borrowed from the nordines, jesse still remains undecided.

yesterday jesse and i got pre-registered at the hospital and i had a dr check-up for the baby. the dr said she has her head down-ready to drop- one step closer to her arrival!

when we're not trying to pick out a name, this is what we've been up to:

making messes when we eat:

mowing the lawn (and/or driveway):

playing with grandpa mclane:

celebrating 1st birthdays with isabel (pictured) and lydia:

painting the nursery:

sculpting and painting a dragon for the Creation Museum:


our story.... said...

names...what a chore. fun but tough...good luck. the nursery is really cute...keep us posted...due soon right???

Karen and Mark said...

Thanks for posting these pictures. It's always so good to see what's happening. LOVE THE MESSY FACE! I know that if you two ask the Lord He'll confirm to each of you what the name should be. Can't wait to meet her! Love to all. Gammie.