jacob has become very inquisitive and observant. oh how wonderful, he is growing up and wanting to learn.... and saying some very truthful and honest things. this is how our conversation went yesterday morning, while we were talking about what happens with his food when he eats it: (we are on the verge of potty training here, and all things relating to the diaper or the potty are hot topics right now.)
mommy: it goes in your mouth, down your throat, into your tummy, and out your bum-bum.
jacob: in mouth, in hole, out the bum-bum
mommy: yea, that's pretty close! good job!
jacob: you have bum-bum.
mommy: that's right, i do have a bum-bum. and you have one too.
jacob: you have little bum-bum.
mommy: awww, thank you jacob!
jacob: no, you have big bum-bum.
mommy: :(
yes, he did put the emphasis on the word big.
so, when i was telling jesse about this conversation, he laughed. it made me sad all over again. and then he suggested that i "blog about it". so, here it is, honey. now everyone knows that my 2 year old thinks i have a big bum. all the more incentive to kick-off my new weight loss and exercise program. "what is it?" you ask. i don't quite know yet, i will have to get back to you on that one. all i know is that i have a little over 2 months before our trip to mexico, so i better get it figured out fast!