Wednesday, March 21, 2012

strange weather we've been having

no question this was the mildest winter i have ever experienced (minus the one when i was living in the tropics). i think we've only had 2 snowfalls where the snow has actually stuck to the ground. a bit disappointing for this colorado girl.

this month of march has brought some very strange weather-related events. we had a cluster of severe storms pass through at the beginning of the month, producing tornadoes that touched down and devastated neighboring communities. days later it was snowing. the following weeks the temperatures were in the upper 80s. we took several family hikes over the property and actually found some papers, photos, and bank statements from henryville, indiana and louisville, kentucky, that landed in our yard during the tornado. crazy that they travelled over 60 miles in those winds! some pictures of our crazy weather, starting with one i took of the tornado-producing storm as it was leaving our area.

and last week, after we mowed our lawn for the 3rd time this season, we planted our small garden. let's see if i can actually make it work this year- last year the chickens ate all my tomatoes before i could pick them. :)

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