he says it all the time.
even if it doesn't make sense. i'll ask him, "jacob, which one do you want - oranges or applesauce?" "no!" he replies. maybe it was indecisiveness talking?
or he says it when he is straight-up lying. "jacob, did you poop in your diaper?" "no!", as i wiff the stinky coming from that region. denial?
but more importantly, he says it when it makes too much sense, and it makes jesse and i want to tape his mouth shut so we never have to hear the word again. we address it most of the time, telling him that he does NOT say "no" to mommy and daddy. (which he sometimes responds to with a "no!" which is followed by a spank.)
as with a lot of things "toddlerish" i want to ignore it and hope that it will just wear off because it is "just a phase" right? any advice from you experienced moms who have survived the "no" phase?
i got him mid-no in this picture:
on a more pleasant note, jesse and i enjoyed a date night out last night, without kate and the No Monster. we had some shopping to do for some upcoming weddings, and i had a $20 off coupon to DSW that was about to expire. :) and since i never found the boots of my dreams last winter, jesse graciously (and willingly!) helped me pick out a pair last night.
and here they are- my first ever pair of boots (well, of my adult life, that is. i am pretty sure i had some Rainbow Brite snow boots when i was little. or maybe those were my sister's and i just wished that they were my own?!)
Oh the wonderful NO! GGGRRRRR. Michael went through/is going through that right now. When he first starting saying no it was for everything, "michael would you like some ice cream", "no" as he is reaching for it. We had to teach him that no means no and yes means yes. I would ask him if he wanted something and if he said no I would say "oh, ok you don't want it then." And I would act as though I was taking it away. I would ask again and then tell him to say yes and give it to him. That phase seems to have passed, thankfully. However, now I try not to ask him things but tell him. And when he says no to mommy or daddy he gets punished so hopefully that phase is leaving quickly. Toddlers are so much fun aren't they!!
Cute boots! Did you guys end up at Five Guys? Or somewhere else? We sat on the floor in Borders for awhile and then rented a movie to take home.
The no phase was soooo frustrating. Jack went through it! Then all the sudden one day he started saying yes. It nearly knocked me over! I think he was around two and a half. It is definitely hard to ignore...I just tried not to react too much to all the no's.
Phin still says no way too much, and we tell him he is not allowed to say no to mommy and daddy. then he gets punished if he persists. patience is key (but often in short supply). :)
Love the boots!!
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